Meet the individuals whose expertise, vision, and commitment drive the company’s success in the dynamic world of real estate. Get to know their backgrounds, experiences, and contributions that make One Union Group a trusted name in the industry.
Greetings, I am Jvel Chok, the founder and the managing director of One Union Group Sdn Bhd. My journey into the world of real estate began at the age of 20, marked by determination and self-reliance.. I owe my values of discipline and strong work ethic to my beloved father, who has been a constant source of inspiration. My independence and ambition have shaped me into a focused and dedicated individual. My precision in communication has earned the trust of countless clients, who appreciate my caliber and work quality. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic during our company’s inception, my life motto, “Think less, do more. Everything is the best arrangement,” has guided me through these trials, instilling confidence in facing future challenges. At One Union Group, we believe in the profound impact of life on life. As leaders, we are committed to providing ample support to our agents, enabling them to enhance their quality of life while enjoying prosperous earnings.
大家好,我是Jvel Chok,诺一集团的创始人及现任总监。我的房地产之旅始于20岁,那是一段既充满决心且富有挑战性的经历。我深深地感激着我的父亲,他对待工作的严谨态度与执着一直从旁激励着我。正是这份独立和远大的志向,塑造了我今天专注而敬业的个性。我精准又专业的的沟通技巧,正如‘滴水穿石’般,逐渐在房地产业赢得了无数客户的信任与赞赏。即使在公司初创阶段面临COVID-19疫情的巨大挑战,我依然坚持“少想多做,一切都是最好的安排”的人生信条,百折不回地克服一切困难,坚定了面对未来挑战的信心。在诺一集团,我们深信生命影响生命的准则。作为领导者,我们竭尽所能地支持我们的代理,帮助他们提升生活质量,享受成果,彰显我们对团队的关怀和承诺。
Elaine Ng Li Fang, the team leader of OUR X GW Group, worked in the education and beauty industry before stepping into her 9th year in real estate in 2024. With One Union Group, her team achieved the top sales for three consecutive years, breaking a record of RM270 million in 2023. She is committed to helping every aspiring and hardworking individual live a life of dreams and financial freedom.
Motto: Making the right choice is key; surpass your limits and outdo yourself
ELAINE NG LI FANG,OUR X GW Group团队领导,曾在教育和美容领域工作,2024年将迎来她在房地产行业的第9个年头。在诺一集团中,她带领的团队连续3年获得销售冠军,2023年业绩更是突破了2.7亿。她致力于帮助每个有梦想和奋斗精神的人过上理想和财务自由的生活。
Amo Chok Koh Tsong, the team leader of the JCG Team, joined One Union Group in 2022 and was promoted to assistant team leader by the end of the year. As the top recruiter of 2022, Amo advanced to team leader in August 2023. In just one year, he built a team of 30 members and achieved the title of Quarterly Champion Team in the third quarter. His goals for 2024 are to become the Annual Champion Team, help 8 people earn over 200k, and assist 50 clients in finding their dream homes and achieved the title of Quarterly Champion Team in the third quarter
AMO CHOK KOH TSONG,OUR X AMG团队领导,于2022年加入诺一集团,并在同年底晋升为副团队领导。作为2022年的顶级招聘者,Amo在2023年8月晋升为团队领导。在短短一年内,他建立了一个30人的团队,并在第三季度获得季度冠军团队。他的目标是在2024年成为年度冠军团队,帮助8个人年收入超过200k,并帮助50个顾客找到理想之家。
CK Yap Chen Kai, the team leader of the OUR x JTG x Venture Group Group, returned to Malaysia to start a business after working for 4 years in a Hong Kong-listed company. Joining One Union Group, CK rapidly rose to team leader within just 9 months, setting the fastest promotion record in the group. His life goal is to create a hundred millionaires and improve the life quality of 100 families.
Motto: Be the best version of yourself.
CK YAP CHEN KAI,OUR x JTG x Venture Group团队领导,在香港上市公司工作4年后,决定回马来西亚创业。加入诺一集团后,CK仅用9个月的时间便从代理晋升为团队领导,创造了诺一集团的最快晋升记录。他的人生目标是创造一百个百万富翁,改善100个家庭的生活质量。
Linda, the team leader of OUR X We Group, hails from a single-parent family and started in sales at the age of 7. After a diverse career journey, she chose real estate as her professional field, accumulating 6 years of valuable experience. Within just 3 years, she expanded her team to 100 members, upgraded from driving a Merc to a Porsche, and successfully invested in real estate. Her life goal is to create more employment opportunities.
Motto: Nothing is Impossible
LINDA,OUR X We Group团队领导,她从单亲家庭出身,7岁开始踏入销售领域。经历过多样化的职业生涯后,Linda最终选择房地产作为她的专业领域,并在这里积累了6年的宝贵经验。在短短3年内,她带领团队壮大至百人规模,个人成就也从驾驶Merc升级至Porsche,并成功投资房产。她致力于创造更多就业机会,实现她的人生目标。
座右铭:Nothing is Impossible
Jack Tong Seng Jia, the team leader of OUR X JTG, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and has 5 years of experience in real estate. In One Union Group, Jack consistently ranked in the Top 10 sales for three years and expanded his team from 4 to 30 members. His life goal is to encourage young people to embark on property entrepreneurship and become wealthy in their generation.
Motto: We Empower Unrestrictedly
JACK TONG SENG JIA,OUR X JTG团队领导,拥有企业管理学士学位和5年的房地产行业经验。在诺一集团中,Jack以卓越表现连续三年跻身销售业绩TOP 10,并成功将团队扩展至30人。他的人生目标是鼓励年轻人投身房产创业,成为自己一代的富翁。
座右铭: We Empower Unrestrictedly
Ben Lim Yan Bin, the team leader of the OUR x We x IVG Team, a post-millennial graduate, joined One Union Group during the pandemic when he could not continue his studies. Within three years, he established a team of 20 members and, at the age of 23, drove a sports car and wore a Rolex watch. Ben aims to demonstrate the potential of the post-millennial generation.
Motto: Knowledge is power, knowledge shared is power multiplied
BEN LIM YAN BIN,OUR x We x IVG团队领导,00后毕业生,在疫情期间无法继续升学的情况下选择加入诺一集团,从零开始。三年内,他成功建立了一个20人的团队,并在23岁时开上了双门跑车,佩戴Rolex手表。Ben的目标是向市场证明00后的潜能。
座右铭:Knowledge is power, knowledge shared is power multiplied
Kven Tay Kai Boon, the team leader of OUR X FUIYOH Group, started as a carpenter, progressed to a salesperson and a gemstone appraiser, and finally shifted to real estate sales. Kven believes that a good life can be created without academic qualifications. His goal is to assist young people in getting a smooth start in the real estate industry, adding new value to Johor Bahru’s property market.
Motto: Keep solving the problems until they are resolved.
KVEN TAY KAI BOON,OUR X FUIYOH Group团队领导,从木工开始,逐步成为销售人员、宝石鉴定员,最后转战房地产销售。Kven坚信,无需学历也能创造美好的人生。他致力于辅助年轻人在房地产行业中轻松起步,为新山的房地产行业增添新的价值。